Today’s lifting of some restrictions in Victoria is a recognition that everyone has contributed to the overall health and welfare of the broader community, as well as in each household and suburb. Kirkbrae also values the responses and cooperation of our residents, their families, and staff. To date, there have been no diagnosed cases of COVID19 at Kirkbrae. There have been a few instances where symptoms have led to the testing of residents or staff, with all test results ‘negative’. The promptness of the testing, and isolation until results were known, have all contributed to a sense of confidence in the success of these health precautions.
The COVID19 testing is similar to that which is done for influenza that usually starts to appear at this time of the year. Staff routinely test residents for the flu as required for a number of months during the ‘flu season’. The disciplined approach to social distancing and hand washing as part of Kirkbrae’s infection control program will continue as these are vital factors in minimising the transmission of both these viruses.
We are pleased to advise that the recent lock down precautions taken at a nearby aged care facility, while they examined whether they had a COVID19 outbreak, have now been lifted because of negative test results. Therefore some of the increased restrictions implemented at Kirkbrae will be relaxed, allowing more visitors to schedule visits with loved ones. The screening requirements and advanced booking of visits will remain in place, as they are in aged care facilities across Australia, in accordance with the national Visitor Code.
A summary for Visitors:
- Essential visits only for palliative residents and those who need family for health stability
- A maximum of 2 people visiting a resident per day, for a total of 2 hours
- All Visitors to enter only through Banksia House
- Bookings 24 hours (minimum) prior to visit
- Changes effective from Wednesday 3 June 2020
Some of you will be receiving this letter with other correspondence or the monthly newsletter from Kirkbrae. If you would like to receive any of these by email, please provide Kirkbrae with your email contact details. With an increase on the range and frequency of communications with you, email ensures that you receive them in a timely way and reduces our postage costs.
This Update has been sent to the primary person associated with the resident at Kirkbrae. Please pass these updates onto other family members, friends, and representatives so that they are aware of the current situation at Kirkbrae. The Update has also been posted to the Kirkbrae website. If you have any questions about the COVID19 or influenza situation at Kirkbrae, please call on 03 9724 5200 or send an email to [email protected]
Kirkbrae will continue to monitor Commonwealth Government health and aged care directives about COVID19 as well as the requirements of the Victorian state government. These are received daily and we will continue to amend our practices to comply with them so that our return to ‘normal’ life at Kirkbrae happens in a safe and mindful way.
Mark Sketcher
Chief Executive Officer