Kirkbrae Response to COVID-19

Kirkbrae continues to monitor the progression of COVID-19 to minimise the risks of infection for our residents, staff, volunteers and visitors. You will be aware that preventative responses throughout the community and from the government are being made to minimise contact with people as a form of self- isolation, and to encourage infection control activities such as hand washing and cough or sneeze practices.

We are particularly conscious that older people may be more vulnerable to becoming infected and that contracting this virus may have a major impact upon their health. Similarly, we know that our health care and support staff are essential to the ongoing care and support for our residents in aged care.

As of Thursday 19 March 2020, Kirkbrae will implement additional infection control precautionary measures to minimise the possibility of the transmission of COVID-19 to our residents and staff.

Refer link below for further details.

Kirkbrae Response to COVID-19 dated 18 March 2020


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